How I use Mode To Learn SQL For Data Analysis
In this post, I'll discuss how I used Mode to learn SQL, an essential skill to becoming a Data Analyst.
But hold on, what is Mode?
Very simply, Mode is a collaborative data platform that allows users to import their data from various databases, then utilize SQL, R, Python to clean and prepare data, create visualizations, and build models, all in one place.
That's great, but how does it help me learn SQL?
While I was looking up website to learn SQL from, I stumbled across Mode. They have an extremely helpful tutorial catered towards "aspiring analysts who have used Excel a little bit but have no coding experience." (aka me)
Sounds like Me too! How Do I Start?
It's easy! The only thing you have to do is create an account. Everything is Free! The only thing is that they might send you a lot of emails asking you what you're using Mode for or asking for feedback, so do double check if you're subscribing to any communications.
What Can I Learn from Mode?
They have 3 levels of tutorials, Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. They even have some case studies at the end!
Basic SQL covers, you guessed it, the basics. Starting with SELECT and ending with ORDER BY, you'll go through all of the basic clauses that are used in SQL.
After that, there's Intermediate SQL. Intermediate SQL goes through Aggregate functions and clauses associated with Aggregate functions, as well as JOINS.
Advanced SQL tutorial is the last learning tutorials, and it covers Data Types, Date Formats, Subqueries, Window Functions, etc.
Each of these sections contain numerous Practice Problems that can be done in Mode's in-browser app. This makes the learning experience very seamless because there's no need to download a separate SQL server to practice on, and Mode's app is also very user friendly, even to someone who's never seen a SQL interface before.
The best part is that all the data is already imported, you can run as many queries as your heart desires, and there are also answers to the practice problems. They even have a "Report View" that you can use to create a cleaned-up view for sharing queries and results!
The last SQL tutorial offering is a SQL Analytics Training, which are some real-world questions using fake data to help Data Analysts sharpen their analytical thinking.
I believe this section is what sets Mode apart from other tutorial sites. I personally have not come across a site that provides real-life examples in a comprehensive step-by-step guide for free. Please let me know if you've come across any sites that have this as well! I'd love to know!
On top of all these amazing features, they also have a SQL Challenge that you can take to get a better understanding of your skills.
If you're looking for more data readings, they also have a glossary page with thorough explanations of data terms with context, whitepapers and webinars on their Resources page.
Final Thoughts
All in all, Mode is the most beginner-friendly and comprehensive free tutorial I've come across so far. I'd highly recommend it for people who understand things easily through reading, or as a resource to brush up on SQL skills. For people who need a little more guidance and explanations when first learning SQL, I'd recommend LinkedIn Learning or a video course. That's where I started, and after I was more familiar with SQL terminology and flow, I started using Mode as review and a resource to learn Advanced concepts.
I hope you guys take a look at Mode to see if it's something that would fit into your SQL studies and let me know what you think!
Also, like I mentioned before, please let me know if you've found any valuable SQL resources! I'd love to explore more.
Happy learning!
P.S. They also have a free Python Tutorial!! That is something I'm definitely going to take a look at soon; really excited to see what they have!